Friday, February 19, 2010

The beginning

I've worked at a grocery store for over 5 years. Not the same one, but definitely the same business. Work is steady. Work is busy. Most of drives me crazy.

For a couple years, I was a CSM (customer service manager) and I had to leave the store manager notes. She said she always loved my notes. She'd make other employees read it. She laughed. They laughed. It was all very good. One day, she told me, "You really should write these down. You are so good at writing. I'm sure someone would enjoy it."

Well, I know that I'm not the only person that hates being in the grocery biz. And I'm sure I'm not the only one that hates grocery shopping.

Hopefully, someone (other than myself) enjoys these blogs. This blog will be a way for me to vent...and a way for others (ahem...customers) to figure out a way to contain themselves and learn how to read, count, and act civilized to the people that ring, bag and stock your groceries.

Let the games begin!!

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