Thursday, September 16, 2010

There is probably a really good reason I don't have kids

I know that I have totally neglected this blog. However, I'm wanting this to take hold in my life. I actually enjoy matter what the topic.

Oh, grocery store I've missed thee whilst I was out "sick". It is nice to be back...even though I wish I was still relaxing at home for weeks on end.

Tonight, this blog is directed at you...parents of screaming children. I understand they are your kids and you can "parent" them any way you decide. However, allowing them to scream at the top of their lungs with NO form of punishment doesn't help your kids...nor does it make me want to help you. It actually makes me want to avoid you like the plague. I want nothing to do with your lack of discipline. Quite frankly, it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs while you LET your child scream. It also makes me want to smack you...and then smack your screaming kid.

I had a mother with her daughter in a line behind the checkstand I was working in. This 4 year old brat kept screaming. Not screaming...just making an obnoxious noise. A noise I really could have done without. It was busy...and all I wanted was for that kid to SHUT UP and for the lines to go away. Much to my surprise...this mother said to her daughter, "Well, you just want attention today, don't you?!" That was IT! It was like she was egging her on...and encouraging her to get on my last nerve. This lasted for about 15 minutes. And yes, the lines were that bad.

I remember when I was younger. If I had a hissy, my mom would scoop me up and take me matter where we were...or what we were doing. She'd keep me outside until I calmed down and was ready to be good and not scream. I don't remember being a bad kid...and my mom actually tells me I wasn't THAT rotten. LoL.

It's amazing to see how differently people raise their kids. I like to think that I was a decent kid. One that didn't scream in grocery stores. That didn't throw hissy fits. However, the mothers up here learn to ignore their children fast...or just don't care.

WAKE UP!! You hear that screaming brat? Yeah...that's your kid. He wants that candy bar. You know what. Don't give it to him. If you'll be like rewarding bad behavior. He'll say, "Wow, if I scream...I'll get everything that I want." DON'T YOU DARE GIVE HIM THAT CANDY BAR. YOU WILL FOREVER REGRET IT.

Oh...poor eardrums of mine. I'm sorry you have to deal with the screaming. :-/

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