However, at some point, the people that shop where I work have forgotten that. They have forgotten that soap is "the yard stick of civilization" (thank you for that Tyler Durden). Soap is my friend. I gets that nasty armpit funk to go away. It takes the gross smells out of my clothes. It makes everything feel fresh and new. A rather amazing feeling, if I do say so myself.
Now, I'm not saying that I haven't missed a daily shower once in a while, but I make sure I don'tsmell funky.
I have lots of regular customers. Ones that I really enjoy. They're funny, irreverent, and completely understanding. I have lots of weird, smelly, annoying and just plain gross customers. I'll cover weird and annoying in another entry...but today I'm going to cover smelly and gross.
Today, I had this man come into my line. He was weird. LoL. He was weird, smelly, and gross. His teeth were rotting out of his head...and it didn't help that the smell was putrid. Clearly, he hadn't been to the dentist in quite some time. I nearly gagged on the smell...and I wished I could stick a clothes pin through my nostrils to keep the smell from permeating my brain.
Last night, I had the same funky breath problem. This man, (different from the one mentioned above) has the same funky breath issue. And he's annoying. I've disliked him for years. He's cheap...and smelly...and nerdy...and you get the point. I don't know what it is about him. If it's his smell...the way he rattles off his number...or the fact that he wears socks with sandals.
Anyway, all this rambling has lead to this.
Brush your teeth. Shower. Make sure you don't smell funky...all before leaving your house.
I will be happy. The rest of the world will be happy. And maybe, just maybe, someone will read this blog and thank me for pointing out very obvious facts.
Happy shopping, children! :0)
lol Ashley your so funny I think I think I know the socks and sandle guy. Cassie