The doctor...and...the grocery store.
I hate shopping...unless it's for something fun. LoL. I hate being sick. I hate both of them equally...but I hate them even more when they are combined. I hate the sounds...the lights...the people. I will purposely avoid going out when I'm sick.
This is directed to the ones that go out shopping when they are sick. The ones that think, "I wont get ANYONE sick if I just go and grab..." whatever.
I have gotten colds from more customers than I care to admit. And co-workers get sick...and then I get sick. Again. How hard is it to stay home and send someone that isn't sick to the store? You hate when parents send their kids to school sick because Sally or Joey always get sick. And then you get sick. And then...I get sick.
Tonight, I had a sick customer. This woman is ALWAYS sick. She always looks like she's 10 minutes from death. Tissue in one hand...jammies on...big ugly jacket. I looked at my boss and said, "She is ALWAYS sick." My boss laughed...partly because she knew it was true. This woman looks like death warmed up almost every time I see her. The thing that drove me crazy was the ratty tissue balled up in her right hand as she unloaded her groceries. Her germs were in that tissue...on that box of cereal...IN MY HAND NOW!!
Needless to say, as soon as she turned around, I busted out the hand sanitizer and put 6 liberal pumps into my hands. "Eeeewwww" is what I said to a co-worker...and then I said, "Use this" and loaded his hands up with hand sanitizer as well.
There's always one that has to do everything when they are sick. Everything. Movies...dinner at shopping.
Think about it. I don't want to get sick. I cant afford to get sick (much like you, if you are employed). If you get me sick...chances are I'll just come into work (sick) and sneeze all over your ground round...diapers...eggs. And then, this vicious cycle starts ALL over again.
Psh. Is anyone listening to me?